Research Projects - Ongoing
Butterfly Attractant for Pollination and Ecosystem Health
P. I.: Dr. Ankur Patwardhan, Co-I. : Dr. Tejaswini Pachpor
Funding Agency: Elsevier Foundation - ISC3 Green and Sustainable Chemistry Challenge
Grant amount: 25000 EURO
Duration: 2019-2021
Peacock's Tale: can human-animal vicinity lead to sustainable mutual benefits and peaceful co-existance?
P. I.: Dr. Dhanashree Paranjpe
Funding Agency: Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt. of India
Grant amount: 88 Lakhs
Duration: Dec 2015- Nov. 2020
Research Projects - Completed
Ecosystem Service Assessment from Northern Western Ghats of Maharashtra’
PI: - Dr. Ankur Patwardhan
Funding Agency : Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF)
Grant : Rs. 34.31 Lakhs
Duration : 2012-2017
Present project primarily focuses on assessment of various ecosystem services from sacred forests of Maharashtra. The forests will be assessed from provisioning, regulatory and cultural service point of view. Biodiversity assessment, Watershed, Pollination, Carbon Sequestration and utilitarian values of these forests will be assessed.
Ecological assessment and determination of endophytic diversity of marine macroalgae (Seaweeds) from the Western Coast of Maharashtra
PI: - Dr. Ankur Patwardhan
Co-PI- Dr. Mugdha Bakshi
Funding Agency : BCUD
Grant : Rs. 2.70 Lakhs
Duration : 2013-2015
The projects aims at assessing macroalgal diversity in the tidal region along the Western coast of Maharashtra with respect to the surrounding environmental physical parameters and understanding distribution and abundance pattern of flora and fauna associated with the macroalgal isolates & prepare database for the study area. Further, it aims at isolation and study of diversity patterns of macroalgal endophytes.
Inventorization of provisional ecosystem services of selected Sacred Natural Sites (SNS) through community participation from northern Western Ghats of Maharashtra - a biodiversity hotspot.
PI: - Ms. Monali Mhaskar
Mentor:- Dr. Ankur Patwardhan
Funding Agency : DST – WOS (B)
Grant : Rs. 8.24 Lakhs
Duration : 2013-2015
The project deals with the identification of provisional services of ‘Sacred Natural Sites’ (food, medicine and biomass) and understand role of local community in management of these ‘Sacred Natural Sites’. The data generated would be applied to for better environment protection to aid systematic conservation planning with the help of local community.
‘Identification of critical areas of conservation concern using RS-GIS technique from northern Western Ghats of India'.
PI: - Dr. Ankur Patwardhan
Funding Agency : ISRO-UoP
Grant : Rs. 10.87 Lakhs
Identification of biodiversity rich areas within an eco-region has become a national priority in the wake of Biodiversity Act (2004). Effective action in this context calls for an understanding of ‘spatial distribution’ of the ‘conservation value’ of the forests besides knowing their vegetation types. The proposed study will primarily focus on how we have addressed this by preparing (a) biological richness maps and (b) thematic maps using GIS and RS tools. A protocol for developing such maps and its application to the Sahayadri Tiger Reserve along with Reserve Forest patches will be the focus of the research.
‘Application of GIS-RS in Mapping and Conservation of Threatened Medicinal Plant Species from northern Western Ghats of India’. Funded by: ISRO-UoP
PI: - Dr. Ankur Patwardhan
Funding Agency : ISRO-UoP
Grant : Rs. 7.27 Lakhs
Present project primarily focuses on threatened medicinal plant species in the Pune, Satara and Kolhapur districts of northern Western Ghats of Maharashtra. Species were short listed using IUCN Red Lists, Conservation Assessment and Management Plan (CAMP), habitat specificity and trade potential. For each of the short listed species, four types of ‘thematic maps’ were developed using RS-GIS tools. These include; (i) NDVI maps (ii) Forest Cover Map (iii) Google earth map and (iv) Prediction map. Mass multiplication protocols have been standardized for prioritized species.
'Camptothecin (CPT) distribution in Nothapodytes nimmoniana and Ophiorrhiza rugosa : Endangered medicinal species from Western Ghats of India.'
PI: - Dr. Ankur Patwardhan
Co-PI- Dr. Mugdha Bakshi
Funding Agency : BCUD, Univ. of Pune
Grant : Rs. 2.00 Lakhs
Camptothecin alkaloid is well known in cancer cure. It is essentially a plant based alkaloid. Present project studies variation in Camptothecin across plant parts and habitats from threatened species such as Nothapodytes nimmoniana and Ophiorrhiza rugosa from Western Ghats of India
Industry, NGO and Biodiversity Department tie-ups.
Biodiversity survey of SRPF group II area, Wanowri
Present study gave a good documentation and state of the art picture of biodiversity profile of SRPF group II area and highlighted the importance of Paramilitary Establishments in conservation of flora and fauna.
Rapid Biodiversity Survey of Volkswagen India, Pvt. Ltd., Chakan.
Present study gave a snap-shot of state of the art picture of biodiversity of the VW area and systematic documentation coupled with measures for enhancement and protection will prove to be a prudent step towards ‘environment protection and green initiative’
Rapid biodiversity survey of Kelshi, Anjarle and Velas.
Present project deals with baseline Biodiversity survey of Kelshi, Anjarle, Velas for further interventions regarding ecological protection. Main components of this activity were status of Mangrove Belts, survey of rockpools and mudflats in relation to macroalgae and marine macrofauna and meiofauna in intertidal zone of both sandy and rocky beach on these sites.
Recognized Research Guides
Dr. Ankur Patwardhan - Plant Ecology, Diversity and Conservation
Dr. Anand Padhye - Animal Ecology and Diversity
Dr. Nivedita Ghayal - Plant Interactions
Dr. Niranjan Patil - Microbiology
Dr. Dhanashree Paranjpe - Animal Behavior and Ecology
Students who were awarded Ph.D.
Dr. Makarand Pimputkar
Title : Ecological Studies on two commercially important species –Salacia chinensis Linn. and Saraca asoca (Roxb.) de Wilde from Western Ghats of Maharashtra". -
Dr. Ashwini Keskar
Title : Diversity, Distribution Patterns and Molecular Phylogeny of hill stream loaches (Cypriniformes: Balitoridae, Cobitidae) along the environmental gradients of the Northern Western Ghats -
Dr. Nikhil Modak
Title : Ecology and Molecular phylogeny of leaping frogs (Anura: Ranixalidae) from Northern Western Ghats of India with their conservation implications. -
Ms. Shruti Paripatyadar
Title : The study of aquatic Heteroptera (true bugs) in the Western Ghats of Maharashtra: